Davide Andrea Zappulli
Davide Andrea Zappulli

I'm a philosopher. I work in many areas of theoretical philosophy and try to do it in a cross-cultural way. Contemporary philosophers tend to be culturally parochial in their research. They seldom consider views developed outside the Western tradition. I believe that this fact is deeply problematic, if only because of the undeniable existence of sophisticated and original thinkers outside the Western tradition. I also believe in the public role of intellectuals. We have the moral obligation of engaging with the socio-political issues of our time and the duty of doing so freely, endorsing the views our reason leads us to and not those suggested by external powers of any kind. In connection to this, I'm a convinced defender of freedom of speech. I believe that freedom of speech is a foundational pillar of democracy (perhaps the most important one), and I commit myself to defend the right to publicly express any view, even those I consider morally deprecable.

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